Markdown Syntax Guide
This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme. ...
This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme. ...
This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme. ...
Sample article showcasing basic code syntax and formatting for HTML elements.
Sample article showcasing basic code syntax and formatting for HTML elements.
Installation Reference: https://gohugo.io/installation/ Git Go Configure the Site Use Git cmd Input commands: cd D:\HugoSites hugo new site MyNewSite git init Download your favorite theme on hugo website. Duplicate theme data into “theme” folder in your local repository. Duplicate “Content” and “hugo.yaml” in exampleSite into the main folder of your local repository. Delete “hugo.toml” and “content/post/rich-content”. Change the value of “theme” in “config.yaml” to the name of the theme folder. eg: ...